Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I miss my grandma

So 15 years ago today, my grandma Jackie died. It was unexpected and heartbreaking for my family.  Want to know what I remember most from that day?  I finally won bingo in my 3rd grade class after weeks of no success, that peice of doublemint gum was mine!! I was so excited about winning my gum, it was almost not strange that my dad was there to pick us up from school when we normally walked home.  I dont remember what my parents said or how i reacted but I remember the gum. 

Because I was so young when she died, there are few things that I remember about her.  Her perfume was vanilla fields and she always took me to DQ when I would spend the night at her house. She hated birds but loved to sing and walk around the house naked. This always freaked me out because I was apparently the only modest one in my family. I can still remember the sound of her laugh and wish I could hear it again.  I know someday I will.

Much to my husbands dismay, I think about dying alot.  Not neccessarily me dying but members of my family and how it will affect my life.  Geoff has never really lost anyone hes close to, his grandfathers passed when he was very young.  There was a stretch there where someone in my family died every year so we have a healthy respect and understanding at the Miller home of how important time is.

It makes me want to be closer to my family, especially now that we have our own special family.  I want my parents to be a part of my babies lives for many years to come.  I want my children to have more memories of grandma then I do and pray that we have plenty of time to make them :)

I love you Grandma, miss you so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Rissa, I loved reading this. How your Grandma Jackie loved you. Did you know that when she went on a dream vacation to Hawaii - she hated it! It was the birds everywhere that freaked her out. All she did was complain about it when she came home. So no my dear niece you are not alone in this. I have kept a saying in my heart during all my moves and travels that has helped me. "Home is where you hang your hat". So for me home is many places... Carter Lake where I was raised, Omaha... because that is where my beloved family lives, Hancock MI... because of Jim and loved ones and Heaven because that is where I will reside with the Lord. Sending love to you, Aunt Sandy
